Author Archives: aginto

3 Ways to Help Your Plants Survive a Florida Frost

Unfortunately, most of our trees, flowers, and bushes are cultivated for tropical and sub-tropical weather. When [...]

Vegetable Gardening in Containers

Vegetable gardening in containers allows you to reap the delicious benefits of growing your own [...]

Take Learning Outside: 5 Kids Activities

If you have children or grandchildren at home, you can help to fight the cabin [...]

A Note About COVID-19 from Big Earth

Thank you for your continued business and support during this time. We have always maintained [...]

Coronavirus & Quinine

There are signs of progress every day in the fight against COVID-19. One of the [...]

The March is On! Stop Spring Insects Now

To enjoy your time outside over the next few months, learn to identify the signs [...]

Investing in Exterior Landscape Lighting

If you want to continue to enjoy your yard once it gets dark, investing in [...]

How To Create A Play Yard for Children

If you have run out of ways to entertain the kids AND they have met [...]

Local Sites That Offer Landscaping Inspiration

A sub-tropical climate allows Floridians to grow unique exotic plants. If you are new to [...]

Passionflower and Other Medicinal Plants

The purple passionflower is utilized as a homegrown aid for anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity, menopausal symptoms, [...]